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St Johns Park Survey

We would like your input into the inclusive improvements for the St Johns Park area. The improvements will help to make the area more accessible and to make the play area more inviting and inclusive.

This survey will close on Friday 13 March. 

We would like you to consider the following three (3) questions –

  • Can I get there?
  • Can I play?
  • Can I stay?

These questions help us to identify how we can make this an inclusive playspace.

Council Offices


2-6 Civic Place

Katoomba NSW 2780

Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.00pm


104 Macquarie Rd

Springwood NSW 2777

Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm


Lower Mountains (02) 4723 5000

Upper Mountains (02) 4780 5000

International call 0011 61 2 4780 5000


ABN 52 699 520 223