Springwood Roadside Garden Beds
The final touches are being made to the roadside garden beds in Springwood Town Centre. Each garden bed has retained a mature crepe myrtle tree as the centrepiece which is in line with the adopted Masterplan. They were chosen to be part of the streetscape as they have a graceful form with an elevated canopy of glorious flowers. Most importantly, they retain open sight lines for pedestrians and traffic. The selection of plants for the understory are hardy, require no additional watering after establishment and are minimal maintenance. They will be planted closely together creating a low but full green and plum-coloured display to provide a dense groundcover to the whole garden bed. The carpet roses that were previously in the garden bed were ornamental, but have not been able to reduce the weed growth and many have now become threadbare despite regular fertiliser and mulch. The updated garden beds won’t compete with the crepe myrtles and the dense planting will also have the added benefit of keeping out weeds. The garden bed will include:
- Dianella ‘Little Jess’
- Alternanthera
- Loropetalum ‘Purple Pixie’
Consultation has concluded