Where are we in the naming process?
1. Obtain suggestions
Suggestions from South Warrimoo Community obtained and reviewed
2. Council adopts names for public exhibition
The reviewed names are put to a Council meeting to be adopted by Council for public exhibition.
Selected names are placed on public exhibition for public comment & feedback
4. Adoption of name by Council
Submissions from exhibition reviewed. A report is presented to Council meeting summarising all submissions from exhibition. A recommended name is put to Council for adoption.
5. Geographic Names Board
Adopted name forwarded to the GNB. GNB undertakes a further exhibition through the Government Gazette. Following GNB exhibition, the name becomes official.
Can I make a submission by mail if I do not wish to use this electronic form?
Naming suggestions may also be submitted by Mail.
These should be marked 'Submission, Naming Arthur Street Park, Warrimoo - File F04496.
Submission forms with the attached fact sheet are also availabe from Council's Springwood Office, and Springwood and Blaxland Libraries.
Only one name will be accepted per submission, and this should be from the list put forward. Refer to the Fact Sheet - Naming of the Park at Arthur Street, Warrimoo . You may also add comments.
These can be submitted by,
Post: General Manager, Blue Mountains City Council, Locked Bag 1005, Katoomba NSW 2780
Hand Deliver: Over the Counter. Springwood or Katoomba Offices