History: Reid Circle
Reid Circle comprises land within former Portion 79 in the Parish of Coomassie County Cook purchased by Sir Henry Parkes from the Crown on 17 February 1877 (Certificate of Title Volume 291 Folio 20).
The first house built on Portion 79 was a cottage erected in 1892 by William Fesq. When in 1907 this cottage was bought by a police sergeant, W.M. Wallace, it was named Heatherbrae. E.A. Beeby, an electrical contractor of Springwood acquired the property in 1918.
In 1930 Heatherbrae passed to W.M. and C.E. Reid, who, along with Thomas Summerhayes opposite at Hiawatha and Neowatha, were prominent in local affairs. The Reids subdivided land comprising Heatherbrae and adjacent allotments which they had also acquired.
Further information is available online at the State Heritage Inventory.
The road known as Reid Circle was created in 1962 following a subdivision of Lots 49 and 66 in Deposited Plan 210151, being parts of Portions 78 and 79 in the Parish of Coomassie, County of Cook. This survey comprises current Deposited Plan 211246.
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