Draft City-wide Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan
Public exhibition of draft City-wide Contributions Plan, 2 May - 1 June 2022
The NSW Planning System recognises that new development increases demand for new or upgraded infrastructure. In response, the planning system facilitates Councils levying a monetary contribution from new development toward the cost of local infrastructure. The way that this levy is calculated, administered, and allocated toward local infrastructure priorities, is set out in a contributions plan.
Council’s current City-wide Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan allocates contributions to a schedule of local infrastructure works until the end of the 2021-22 Financial year. Most of these works have been completed or commenced. A review of this plan was undertaken, and the new draft City-wide Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2022 has been prepared. It contains a new schedule of local infrastructure works based on priorities identified in Council’s adopted strategic plans.
This draft plan is currently on public exhibition for community feedback and input for a period of 28 days as per the requirements of Part 9 Division 3 Clause 213 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021.
Overview of the draft City-wide Contributions Plan
The draft City-wide Contributions Plan is effectively a continuation of the current plan with a new schedule of works, and improvements for readability and clarity. The draft Plan will levy contributions from development at the same rate as the current plan, based on cost of works, and will be administered similarly to the current plan.
The key update proposed in the draft Plan is the schedule of works. It identifies those infrastructure projects and programs to which contributions collected under the Plan will be allocated. These works are based on established infrastructure priorities within Council’s adopted strategic plans; plans which were developed in consultation with the community.
Draft Schedule of Works
The Schedule of Works allocates development contributions to the following categories in response to anticipated demand from future development activity, based on established infrastructure priorities within Council’s adopted strategic plans.
• Active transport linkages: The provision of new footpaths, cycle paths and shared paths to make it safer, more convenient, and more appealing to walk and cycle as a mode of transport in the City. The priorities are based on the Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan 2025, and the Bike Plan 2020.
• Recreation: Improving facilities for recreation across the City in both open space areas and natural bushland areas. In open space, the upgrade of local and neighbourhood parks to incorporate nature-based play areas, and the upgrade of existing play areas to include accessible play equipment. In natural areas, providing and upgrading infrastructure in high usage areas, and the extension and augmentation of tracks for walking, cycling, and accessing outdoor adventure sport locations.
• Mitigating the impacts of development: Improving waterway health and better managing stormwater through water cycle management interventions in key catchments. Addressing urban heat island impacts by expanding the urban forest with tree planting in identified hotspot locations.
How to have your say
The draft City-wide Contributions Plan is on public exhibition from 2 May - 1 June 2022. Submissions can be made through the online submission form below, or in writing via email to council@bmcc.nsw.gov.au or by post to Blue Mountains City Council, Locked Bag 1005, Katoomba NSW 2780.
For further information, please contact Simon Porter, Statutory Planning Program Leader, on 4780 5000.