Q: Will parks be closed?
A: No. At the neighbourhood park level, formal play equipment might be partially or wholly replaced by informal play settings as it fails. Carers may need to bring props to facilitate play, or travel further to one of the larger upgraded play grounds.
Events will be held to explore other means of playing in parks.
Q: Will there be new and exciting playgrounds?
A: Yes – these will be developed in stages in the four district parks; Glenbrook Park, Buttenshaw Park, Wentworth Falls Lake and Blackheath Soldiers Memorial Park. The Glenbrook Park stage one is planned to commence before Christmas.
Q: Will playgrounds be fenced?
Q: Will there be play for older children and youth?
Q: Will there be toilets?
A: No new toilets are planned. The daily opening of existing toilet blocks at sports grounds for general community use is planned. The playgrounds near sportsgrounds will be maintained and enhanced to make use of this more available facility.
Replacement toilets are planned at some sites where they are in poor condition.