Open Space & Recreation in the Blue Mountains
Did you know:
- Blue Mountains City Council services 76,904 residents (2016 census), who live in 27 towns and villages spread linear along 120 km of highway. The population of the City is essentially stable, with a slow rate of growth and steadily ageing.
- Blue Mountains has nearly 60 active sports clubs across the local government area.
- Blue Mountains City Council manages a very large range of open space sites and sporting facilities from Laptstone to Katoomba, and right around to Mount Tomah and including the Megalong Valley.
- Many sporting and recreational assets are more than 30 years old and do not meet current community needs or modern standards. There are issues of health and safety, accessibility, as well as changing trends in what our population actually do for recreation.
Things to think about:
A lot of recreational infrastructure is ageing. Council does not have the resources for renewal and replacement of everything that will fail.
The Blue Mountains has a rapidly ageing population, placing pressure on some facilities, as well as requiring facilities to be increasingly updated to increase accessibility for those with a disability.
Proposed Change/s:
- The strategic plan looks at how Council can structure investment to provide a better mix of quality and types of spaces and facilities in each of the 5 planning areas in the most financially sustainable way. It is about prioritising quality, within available resources.
- Changing trends in what we are doing for recreation means we need to be more responsive in changing our service mix to provide for more multi-purpose flexible spaces.
The draft plan explores a broad range of different sport and recreation themes such as walking, cycling, play, parks, pools, organised and informal sports, as well as funding options and potential partnerships with other providers, for example, NPWS, sporting groups, and the NSW Office of Sport and Recreation.
Consultation has concluded