
Did you know:
Blue Mountains City Council currently provides:
- 5 Aquatic Centres with 16 individual pools.
- There are year round swimming opportunities at Katoomba, Springwood and Glenbrook.
- There are heated seasonal pools available at Katoomba and Lawson 6 months each year and unheated seasonal pools are available at Blackheath 4 months a year
- According to community consultation, swimming and aquarobics are the 6th most popular recreation activity
Things to think about:
- Each swimming centre operates at a subsidy varying from $12.60 per visit in Blackheath (short swimming season and low numbers of visits) through to $0.45 per visit in Springwood (year round indoor facility with high visitation).
- Climate is a significant consideration with regards to use of outdoor pools, particularly in the upper mountains
There is a large shortfall in funding required to replace aging pool infrastructure.Council has capital $2,670,000 allocated for pool renewal in the next 5 years. To replace all failing pools as is required capital is $8,560,000.
Proposed Change/s:
- Investigate possibly retiring failing facilities and consult on replacement or other options where funding is insufficient. Make best use of existing facilities in good order, and extend their season of use.
- Vary the facilities upon renewal to better meet modern needs: Year round swimming opportunities would be available at Katoomba, Springwood and Glenbrook. Heated seasonal pool would be available 6 months each year at Lawson and Blackheath. Splash pads would be available at Lawson and Blackheath to compliment the swimming facility.
More information:
- See The Draft Open Space & Recreation Strategic Plan - Pools : Pages 71-73
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