Update to opening hours: part time Library Branches
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Consultation has concluded.
Blue Mountains Library would like to re-open part-time Library Branches on Saturdays (currently shut during COVID-19 pandemic) and we would like your opinion on the opening hours of the following part-time Library Branches - Lawson, Blackheath and Wentworth Falls.
Should Saturday opening hours return to normal pre-COVID hours (9am – 12pm) or move slightly to be in line with weekday opening times (10am – 1pm)?
Please use the form below to let us know.
Blue Mountains Library would like to re-open part-time Library Branches on Saturdays (currently shut during COVID-19 pandemic) and we would like your opinion on the opening hours of the following part-time Library Branches - Lawson, Blackheath and Wentworth Falls.
Should Saturday opening hours return to normal pre-COVID hours (9am – 12pm) or move slightly to be in line with weekday opening times (10am – 1pm)?