Local Planning Statement
Thank you for your interest this consultation has concluded.

The public exhibition of the draft Local Planning Statement and supporting studies has now closed.
The City Planning team would like to thank everyone who took the time to review these documents and provide their feedback.
All submissions and comments made during the exhibition period will now be reviewed. This review of submissions, and a revised Local Planning Statement will be reported to Council for consideration for adoption in early 2020. Everyone who made a submission will be notified once the date for this meeting is confirmed.
Updates will continue to be provided on this Have Your Say page.
The public exhibition of the draft Local Planning Statement and supporting studies has now closed.
The City Planning team would like to thank everyone who took the time to review these documents and provide their feedback.
All submissions and comments made during the exhibition period will now be reviewed. This review of submissions, and a revised Local Planning Statement will be reported to Council for consideration for adoption in early 2020. Everyone who made a submission will be notified once the date for this meeting is confirmed.
Updates will continue to be provided on this Have Your Say page.
Information Sessions – Presentation Available
Share Information Sessions – Presentation Available on Facebook Share Information Sessions – Presentation Available on Twitter Share Information Sessions – Presentation Available on Linkedin Email Information Sessions – Presentation Available linkCouncil is placing the presentation used for the Information Sessions at Katoomba and Springwood on the Local Planning Statement into the document library.
This presentation provides an overview of the Local Planning Statement and supporting studies, all of which are available in the document library.
Conversation Hour
Share Conversation Hour on Facebook Share Conversation Hour on Twitter Share Conversation Hour on Linkedin Email Conversation Hour linkDate: Wednesday 30 October, 2019Time: 6-7pmJoin us for a conversation in real time about Blue Mountains Living Sustainably 2040: Draft Local Strategic Planning Statement. A Local Planning Statement is a new strategic planning document that all councils in NSW are required by the State Government to prepare. It is our long term land use plan and presents a community - shaped vision and local planning priorities for the use of land in the Blue Mountains over the next 20 years.Extensive community consultation, research and planning has informed the draft document. Have we got the balance right? Conversation Hour is a good way to find out more and have your questions answered before you have your say. -
Information Sessions
Share Information Sessions on Facebook Share Information Sessions on Twitter Share Information Sessions on Linkedin Email Information Sessions linkCouncil will be holding the following information sessions:- Katoomba Library 4-6pm on Tuesday 22 October, 2019
- Springwood Library 4-6pm on Thursday 24 October, 2019
If you'd like to register your interest for one of these sessions please email localplanningstatement@bmcc.nsw.gov.au with your name, contact number, and any particular areas of interest you'd like to discuss. You can also call Council's City Planning Team on 4780 5000.If you can't make one of these sessions, Council will also be hosting a Conversation Hour on its Facebook page from 6-7pm Wednesday 30 October 2019. The City Planning Team will be online during this time to answer any questions and provide further information. -
Public Exhibition of the Local Planning Statement
Share Public Exhibition of the Local Planning Statement on Facebook Share Public Exhibition of the Local Planning Statement on Twitter Share Public Exhibition of the Local Planning Statement on Linkedin Email Public Exhibition of the Local Planning Statement linkThe draft Local Planning Statement for the Blue Mountains, Blue Mountains 2040 Living Sustainably, was endorsed for public exhibition at the 24 September 2019 Council meeting.
Exhibition will conclude Friday 15 November 2019.
The following documents are available for downloading in the ‘Document Library’ section or by clicking on the links below:
What is in the draft Local Planning Statement?
Share What is in the draft Local Planning Statement? on Facebook Share What is in the draft Local Planning Statement? on Twitter Share What is in the draft Local Planning Statement? on Linkedin Email What is in the draft Local Planning Statement? linkBlue Mountains 2040 Living Sustainably starts with a Vision for land use in the Blue Mountains in 2040. This provides the long term goals and aspirations for our sustainable future, in a City within a World Heritage National Park.
There are nine Local Planning Priorities, which have been developed with the community. These are organised within three key themes: Sustainability, Liveability and Productivity. These priorities are supported by a range of actions over the short, medium and long term, to make sure we deliver on our priorities.
The Local Planning Statement also includes a structure plan. This plan is the spatial representation of key services and facilities provided by Council throughout our City. It also identifies areas for investigation, and shows where particular actions within the Local Planning Statement are proposed.
Please note, the Local Planning Statement does not change the zoning of land, or what is permitted on that land. It is a strategic document that will guide planning for land use in the City over the next 20 years.
How can I make a submission?
Share How can I make a submission? on Facebook Share How can I make a submission? on Twitter Share How can I make a submission? on Linkedin Email How can I make a submission? linkYou can make a submission in a number of ways:
- Use the online submission form here
- Make a comment against the Local Planning Priorities here or through the ideas tool
- Email a submission to localplanningstatement@bmcc.nsw.gov.au
- Post a completed submission form and posting it to Chief Executive Officer, Blue Mountains City Council, Locked Bag 1005, Katoomba, NSW 2780
- Hand deliver to either of Council’s Administrative Offices at Katoomba or Springwood
Can I get an extension for a submission?
Share Can I get an extension for a submission? on Facebook Share Can I get an extension for a submission? on Twitter Share Can I get an extension for a submission? on Linkedin Email Can I get an extension for a submission? linkCouncil has to meet strict deadlines set by legislation and there is limited opportunity for an extension to the submission period. The nominated exhibition period of six weeks (30 September – 15 November) is beyond the minimum timeframe of 28 days, required under the legislation.
Local Planning Statement Update
Share Local Planning Statement Update on Facebook Share Local Planning Statement Update on Twitter Share Local Planning Statement Update on Linkedin Email Local Planning Statement Update linkCouncil is currently preparing a draft Local Planning Statement, building on community engagement held so far, and incorporating endorsed Council priorities in the areas of transport, environment and tourism, amongst others.
An extension from the Minister of Planning to the timeline for exhibition for all Local Planning Statements in Greater Metropolitan Sydney was recently granted. It is currently proposed the draft Local Planning Statement for the Blue Mountains, and accompanying studies and strategies, will be taken to an upcoming Council meeting for exhibition before 1 October 2019.
Community Consultation Update
Share Community Consultation Update on Facebook Share Community Consultation Update on Twitter Share Community Consultation Update on Linkedin Email Community Consultation Update linkCommunity consultation workshops were held in three locations across the Blue Mountains (Katoomba, Lawson and Springwood) in late March. These were open to the public and built on the feedback from the Stage 1 consultation work from the Social Pinpoint survey held October to November 2018. These interactive workshops, facilitated by engagement specialists, led registered participants through a range of vision exercise about the future of the Blue Mountains and will inform the development of the Local Planning Statements.
Council wishes to thank all participants for their engagement in what was at times a thought provoking workshop. A report from the facilitator is being prepared and will be made available during public exhibition of the Local Planning Statement.
Housing Survey - Now Closed
Share Housing Survey - Now Closed on Facebook Share Housing Survey - Now Closed on Twitter Share Housing Survey - Now Closed on Linkedin Email Housing Survey - Now Closed linkPlease note this suvery is now closed.
Blue Mountains City Council invites you to take part in a housing survey to help to shape housing priorities for the Blue Mountains LGA.
Council has engaged People Place and Partnership to carry out a housing survey associated with the preparation of the Local Planning Statement. While this work is related to earlier consultation carried out on housing need, different questions are being asked as it is for a different project.
The survey is a valuable opportunity for Council to gain feedback about the housing needs and concerns of the Blue Mountains residents. As an essential part of the community, we need your help to plan for the future of housing in the LGA. This is a statistically valid survey, and so it is very important for the Blue Mountains City Council to collect information from different ages and across different locations in the Blue Mountains LGA.
Follow the link below to complete the survey before Friday 31 May, 2019.
Document Library
Fact Sheet - Local Planning Statement (196 KB) (pdf)
Blue Mountains 2040: Living Sustainably - draft Local Planning Statement (18.9 MB) (pdf)
Draft Local Housing Strategy 2019 (15.1 MB) (pdf)
Draft Local Character Study 2019 (8.64 MB) (pdf)
Draft Local Character Statement 2019 (20 MB) (pdf)
Draft Visitor Economy, Retail and Employment Studies (8.19 MB) (pdf)
Draft Stage 1 Consultation Report (800 KB) (pdf)
Draft Community and Stakeholder Engagement Report (126 MB) (pdf)
Council Meeting: 24 September 2019
You can access the the Business Paper and Minutes from the 24 September 2019 Council Meeting by clicking on the following links:
Community Strategic Plan
Who's listening
Phone 4780 5000 Email localplanningstatement@bmcc.nsw.gov.au
Stage 1: Interactive Map
Thank you to those who participated in Stage 1 of our community consultation. This stage is now closed.
You can still view contributions made during this stage. Click here go to the interactive map.