What is Local Area Traffic Management?

    A Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) study is a tool used to examine all aspects of existing transport conditions within a set precinct. It can address issues such as vehicle conflict, speed, road safety, pedestrian flow, cyclist facilities, and can recommend solutions to mitigate these problems by assessing data and community feedback.

    Why does Leura need a Local Area Traffic Management Plan?

    Leura was chosen for a LATM study because Council previously identified a number of long-term traffic issues affecting the village. This study will incorporate previously completed work from the Leura Tourist Bus Strategy, and will seek new community feedback on the developed LATM options that aim to address the traffic and transport issues affecting all road users.

    The study identifies general traffic flow trends on local roads, examine existing user and traffic conflict issues, and propose solutions to improve the overall amenity of the Leura village.

    What is 'Link and Place' or 'Movement and Place'?

    Link and Place is an approach to planning and designing that recognises that streets are an integral component to the liveability of urban centres, rather than just a way to facilitate the movement of vehicles.

    Has there been previous consultation on this project?

    The project began in 2018, with residents invited to have their say via Council’s Have Your Say page and face-to-face information sessions. 

    Following this, a consultant was engaged to conduct traffic modelling to assess a number of recommendations 

    For stage two of this project, we are now seeking feedback on the feasibility of proposed options based on previous investigations. These options are detailed in the Options Report which outlines a framework of targeted solutions to reduce traffic conflict and improve the overall safety and amenity of Leura Village for residents, businesses and visitors.

    What are the options outlined in the Options Report?

    A number of different recommendations are proposed in the Options Report which have been developed based on previous community consultation, collected data and investigations completed up to date. From these recommendations, options have been formed which is now on public exhibition for comment. These include:

    1. General LATM Options

    • New pedestrian crossings at:
      1. Leura Mall / Railway Pde intersection – east, south & west approach
      2. Leura Mall / Megalong St intersection – east & south approach
      3. Grose St / Railway Pde intersection – south approach
      4. Grose St / Megalong St intersection – north approach
    • Extend the 40km/hr HPAA zone on Megalong St.
    • Signalisation of Scott Ave / GWH intersection.


    2. Railway Pde (west of Leura Mall) LATM Options

    • Option RP1– 40km/hr local traffic area zone for a length of the road between Govett St and Leura Mall.
      1. Originally proposed the implementation of a 10km/hour shared zone on Railway Parade (west of Leura Mall). 
      2. Upon further investigation and discussion at the Local Traffic Committee on 12 October 2021, Option RP1 has been modified to a 40km/hour local traffic area zone. 
    • Option RP2 – one way restriction for a length of the road between Clarence St and Leura Mall.
    • Option RP3 - 40km/hr local traffic area zone and one way for a length of the road between Govett St and Leura Mall.

    3. Tourist Coach Options

    • Option 1 – coach layover locations on Grose Street, Craigend Street and Leura Mall (south of Megalong Street). Coaches would be encouraged to use Railway Parade, Grose Street, Megalong Street, Craigend Street and Leura Mall to move around the village centre.
    • Option 2 – convert the northern end of Grose Street into a coach layover area by extending the existing layover area to both sides of the road. Coaches would be encouraged to use Megalong Street, Railway Parade and Scott Avenue to move around the village centre but Leura Mall will most likely be used, given that coach drivers will use the shortest and most convenient route to access the area.

    For further details, see the Options Report here.

    Will the LATM improve traffic in Leura?

    As part of the LATM project, strategies have been identified to manage the growth of local population and tourist traffic to ensure the Leura Village remains an attractive place to live, as well as an attractive tourist location.

    The LATM project will improve:

    • Parking options for locals and visitors.
    • Safety for all road users, including pedestrians and cyclists.
    • Pedestrian amenity to cater for local needs, an ageing local population and children.
    • The physical environment by lowering traffic noise, vibration, and air pollution.

    How can I provide input on the LATM?

    The LATM Options Report will be on exhibition from Monday 16 May 2022 until Monday 27 June 2022 here.

    Let us know what you think by taking part in the survey here

    Or join us at one of two in-person information sessions at Leura Uniting Church:

    • Tuesday 31 May 2022, 9am – 12pm
    • Wednesday 1 June 2022, 6pm - 9pm

    What is being proposed with the parking in Leura?

    In conjunction with the Leura LATM Study, a Parking Precinct Plan is being developed for Leura which is a document that provides a framework to manage and regulate parking. The Parking Precinct Plan will consider a range of parking management options for passenger and tourist coach vehicles.

    The outcomes of this public exhibition period will help inform the development of the Parking Precinct Plan as the LATM Options may potentially have an impact on parking.

    What types of vehicles are classified as "tourist coaches"?

    For the purpose of this Study, tourist coaches are considered to be vehicles that generally seat more than five passengers. These include mini vans, small buses, buses and coaches.

    What other works are being considered in the background of the LATM?

    Council is investigating sustainable transport options to encourage the use of alternative modes of transport for travel and reduce car dependency. Some of these options include promoting the use of public transport such as trains, potential for a shared mobility scheme such as cars and bikes and on-demand transport. These options will need to be considered on a strategic level and in a holistic approach.