Leura Cascades upgrade and precinct plan

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Council is creating a plan for the Leura Cascades precinct to guide future upgrades that will protect the environmental and cultural values of the site, meet current and future demand, improve the experience of both residents and visitors, meet current safety and accessibility standards, improve residential amenity, and support local economic development.

Part of the Blue Mountains Southern Escarpment, the Leura Cascades precinct is a popular place for residents and a major destination for visitors. This scenic spot includes inviting waterfalls, magnificent views and a family friendly picnic area.

Nearby bushwalks includes the Fern Bower circuit walk, a track down to Bridal Veil Falls, and the Prince Henry Cliff Walk.

The Leura Cascades Recreational Precinct in undergoing an upgrade including improvements to walking tracks and accessibility.

The Leura Cascades precinct is located within the Country of the Dharug and Gundungurra peoples. We recognise that the Dharug and Gundungurra Traditional Owners have a continuous and deep connection to their Country and this is of great significance to Aboriginal people, both locally and in the region.

The $5 million Leura Cascades Recreational Precinct upgrade project is funded by the NSW Government’s Western Sydney Infrastructure Grant (WSIG) Program in association with the Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Grants Program.

Leura Cascades Recreation Precinct upgrade update

Update: 23 December 2024

• Completion of both the new amenities building and picnic shelter is scheduled for February 2025.

• The tender for upgrades to the upper cascades car park and landscaping will be issued early 2025..

• A new pedestrian bridge across the creek has now been installed.

• Work on upgrading the walking track will continue in 2025.

Leura Cascades Recreation Precinct upgrade works commence

Update: 13 August 2024

Work to improve the accessibility and amenity of the Leura Cascades Recreation Precinct is now underway..

The upgrades to the precinct will provide a range of enhancements, including:

  • The new amenities building, with four cubicles which includes one accessible cubicle.
  • An accessible picnic shelter with picnic setting and a double electric BBQ.
  • Paths, ramps, steps and signage to provide access from two new accessible parking spaces.
  • A new carpark will be constructed in the Upper Cascades area to consolidate parking from around the precinct and to support access to the improved facilities.
  • Lighting and electrical design for the Cascades precinct, including lighting for the amenities building, parking area and track head, renewed night lit walk including under rail lighting, feature lighting of Chelmsford Bridge and other landscape features.
  • Walking track upgrade in concrete, with sandstone steps, and new handrails, from the track head to the NPWS Boundary, including a new bridge across the creek.
  • Stormwater management and environmental protection works including the planting of 15 new trees.

Before construction works begin, a number of identified trees have been recommended for removal, following investigations from a qualified arborist.

Following the tree work, construction of a new amenities building in the upper Cascades area will start.

With strong community support shown during the precinct planning process, Chelmsford Bridge will remain closed to public vehicle traffic after the upgrades are complete.

As an unreinforced concrete arch bridge, designed in 1912, it is of state heritage significance and reopening would require consideration of a range of risk mitigation measures that would have a negative impact on the bridge.

The $5 million Leura Cascades Recreational Precinct upgrade project is funded by the NSW Government’s Western Sydney Infrastructure Grant Program.

The grant also partially funded the upgrade of Leura culvert in 2023, helping to better manage stormwater within this environmentally sensitive precinct.

Work on the amenities building and new picnic shelter is expected to be completed by February 2025 (weather permitting) and will be followed by construction of the new carpark and linking pathways.

The walking track and lighting upgrades will follow in due course, with specific timelines to be communicated once work programmes are finalised.

Access to the walking tracks within the Leura Cascades precinct will remain open during the construction of the amenities building. During the walking track upgrades next year, some closures will be required and communicated to the community once requirements are confirmed.

Stay up-to-date

This webpage will be progressively updated throughout the life of the project.
To keep up-to-date on the Leura Cascades Precinct Plan, please subscribe for project updates on the right of this page.

Photo credit: Ian Brown

Council is creating a plan for the Leura Cascades precinct to guide future upgrades that will protect the environmental and cultural values of the site, meet current and future demand, improve the experience of both residents and visitors, meet current safety and accessibility standards, improve residential amenity, and support local economic development.

Part of the Blue Mountains Southern Escarpment, the Leura Cascades precinct is a popular place for residents and a major destination for visitors. This scenic spot includes inviting waterfalls, magnificent views and a family friendly picnic area.

Nearby bushwalks includes the Fern Bower circuit walk, a track down to Bridal Veil Falls, and the Prince Henry Cliff Walk.

The Leura Cascades Recreational Precinct in undergoing an upgrade including improvements to walking tracks and accessibility.

The Leura Cascades precinct is located within the Country of the Dharug and Gundungurra peoples. We recognise that the Dharug and Gundungurra Traditional Owners have a continuous and deep connection to their Country and this is of great significance to Aboriginal people, both locally and in the region.

The $5 million Leura Cascades Recreational Precinct upgrade project is funded by the NSW Government’s Western Sydney Infrastructure Grant (WSIG) Program in association with the Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Grants Program.

Leura Cascades Recreation Precinct upgrade update

Update: 23 December 2024

• Completion of both the new amenities building and picnic shelter is scheduled for February 2025.

• The tender for upgrades to the upper cascades car park and landscaping will be issued early 2025..

• A new pedestrian bridge across the creek has now been installed.

• Work on upgrading the walking track will continue in 2025.

Leura Cascades Recreation Precinct upgrade works commence

Update: 13 August 2024

Work to improve the accessibility and amenity of the Leura Cascades Recreation Precinct is now underway..

The upgrades to the precinct will provide a range of enhancements, including:

  • The new amenities building, with four cubicles which includes one accessible cubicle.
  • An accessible picnic shelter with picnic setting and a double electric BBQ.
  • Paths, ramps, steps and signage to provide access from two new accessible parking spaces.
  • A new carpark will be constructed in the Upper Cascades area to consolidate parking from around the precinct and to support access to the improved facilities.
  • Lighting and electrical design for the Cascades precinct, including lighting for the amenities building, parking area and track head, renewed night lit walk including under rail lighting, feature lighting of Chelmsford Bridge and other landscape features.
  • Walking track upgrade in concrete, with sandstone steps, and new handrails, from the track head to the NPWS Boundary, including a new bridge across the creek.
  • Stormwater management and environmental protection works including the planting of 15 new trees.

Before construction works begin, a number of identified trees have been recommended for removal, following investigations from a qualified arborist.

Following the tree work, construction of a new amenities building in the upper Cascades area will start.

With strong community support shown during the precinct planning process, Chelmsford Bridge will remain closed to public vehicle traffic after the upgrades are complete.

As an unreinforced concrete arch bridge, designed in 1912, it is of state heritage significance and reopening would require consideration of a range of risk mitigation measures that would have a negative impact on the bridge.

The $5 million Leura Cascades Recreational Precinct upgrade project is funded by the NSW Government’s Western Sydney Infrastructure Grant Program.

The grant also partially funded the upgrade of Leura culvert in 2023, helping to better manage stormwater within this environmentally sensitive precinct.

Work on the amenities building and new picnic shelter is expected to be completed by February 2025 (weather permitting) and will be followed by construction of the new carpark and linking pathways.

The walking track and lighting upgrades will follow in due course, with specific timelines to be communicated once work programmes are finalised.

Access to the walking tracks within the Leura Cascades precinct will remain open during the construction of the amenities building. During the walking track upgrades next year, some closures will be required and communicated to the community once requirements are confirmed.

Stay up-to-date

This webpage will be progressively updated throughout the life of the project.
To keep up-to-date on the Leura Cascades Precinct Plan, please subscribe for project updates on the right of this page.

Photo credit: Ian Brown

  • Leura Cascades Draft Concept Designs

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    Update: October 2023.

    Feedback on the Leura Cascades Draft Concept Designs has now closed. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback via a submission.

    All community feedback will be considered by the project team before a Final Concept Design is developed for adoption by Council as the Leura Cascades Precinct Plan (expected in November 2023).

    Please subscribe to this project for updates.

    The timing for delivery of the currently funded elements of this Precinct Plan (new accessible amenities, walking track upgrades and precinct lighting) is closely related to the Cliff Drive Leura culvert replacement and will follow on from completion of the culvert works in the first half of 2024.

    All currently funded works are proposed to be complete by mid-2025.

    The Project Team will continue to keep the community informed of progress and further community consultation activities. You are encouraged to check this webpage regularly for updates and opportunities to Have Your Say in relation to Precinct Planning for the Southern Escarpment Masterplan.

    You can find past project updates in the ‘News Feed’ tab below and a range of past documentation about the project in the ‘Document Library’ on the right of this page.

    Thank you for your ongoing interest in the future of this precinct.



    This update follows the community consultation on the first stage of planning for the Leura Cascades Precinct and Solitary Restaurant Locality (incorporating Carrington Park) which closed in late January.

    The Project Team has carefully considered the feedback and submissions from community and stakeholders on the issues and opportunities relating to these areas. Community feedback and our own ongoing investigations have informed how we go about the next step in the planning process, which is to develop the Draft Concept Designs. These will broadly outline our proposal for the area, that is, how it would function and how it will look.

    What did the community say?

    A summary of community and stakeholder submissions is available to view in the Document Library to the right of this page or CLICK HERE . This is the feedback on the pre-design phase of the planning, that is, the site analysis (issues, constraints, opportunities) and scoping ideas that may address these issues and / or realise the opportunities.

    What happens next?

    We are going to progress the planning for Leura Cascades Precinct separately from the Solitary Restaurant Locality (incorporating Carrington Park) in the following way:

    Leura Cascades Precinct Plan – develop draft Concept Design for further community consultation and progress to Council for adoption of the Precinct Plan before progressive implementation of works.

    1. Develop the draft Concept Design incorporating consideration of community feedback provided at the pre-design stage – April/May 2023

    2. Engage with community on the draft Concept Design – June 2023

    3. Consider community feedback and progress a final Concept Design for adoption by the Council as the Leura Cascades Precinct Plan – July/August 2023

    4. Progress detail design and construction documentation of funded elements for delivery in the 2023/24 financial year.

    Solitary Restaurant Locality Plan (incorporating Carrington Park) – pause progression of the draft Concept Design to allow for detailed site investigations to take place to further understand the feasibility of possible options. These investigations include but are not limited to traffic, ecological and heritage studies. –The outcome of these investigations will determine what options we pursue further - or not – and the development of a draft Concept Design for further community consultation.

    Why is Council taking this approach?

    We are taking this approach for these reasons:

    • There is strong support for most of the opportunities identified in the Leura Cascades Precinct Plan including:

    • Closure of Chelmsford Bridge and partial closure of Chelmsford Drive to Vehicular traffic and creation of a vehicle-free zone in the lower cascades.
    • Walking track upgrades.
    • Provision of new accessible toilet facilities and accessible connections
    • Concerns relating to the proposed night-lit walk and parking upgrades will be addressed in the draft Concept Design which will subject to further community consultation

    • The need to meet commitments and timeframes of grant funding for the Leura Cascades Precinct.

    • The need to address community concern relating to key aspects of the Solitary Restaurant Locality Plan (incorporating Carrington Park) while addressing issues of access, circulation, and safety, and to cater for a predicted increase in visitor numbers following completion of the Grand Cliff Top Walk and re-opening of Cliff Drive to vehicle traffic.

    • The need to consider the inter-relationship of the entire Locality (Solitary Restaurant & surrounds, Carrington Park, Kiah Lookout and Prince Henry Cliff Walk track heads, and Merriwa Street) and site connectivity with adjacent townships.

    • We can take advantage of the grant-funded site investigations that are already scheduled to occur for the Great Blue Mountains Trail (GBMT) between Kiah Lookout and Echo Point.

    It is important to note that by undertaking detailed site investigations - traffic, ecological, heritage – it does not mean that Council has decided to pursue a particular course of action. We need to explore all possible options more fully, so we know whether to rule any option in or out, and the reasons why.

    Over the next few months, you may see people on site in the vicinity of Carrington Park and Solitary Restaurant undertaking these investigation and assessments on behalf of Council. This is necessary work to give us the information we need to consider the options available.

    Community opinion matters and has been heard. However, the issues of road & pedestrian safety; access & circulation; and traffic / pedestrian / cyclist conflict need to be addressed. The outcome of these investigations will determine what options we pursue further - or not – and the development of Draft Concept Designs which will be subject to further community consultation.

    The Project Team will inform everyone that has contributed to the planning so far, of Council’s approach. We’ll also keep the community informed of our progress and further community consultation activities. You are encouraged to check this webpage regularly for updates and opportunities to have your say on the draft Concept Design.

    Thank you for your ongoing interest in the future of this precinct.

  • Consultation on Pre-designs closed - Thank you for your feedback

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    THANK YOU for taking the time and effort to make a submission and share your thoughts. The project team will consider all community and stakeholder feedback to inform the Concept Designs, which is the next stage in developing the Precinct Plan. Council will consult with stakeholders and the community on the Concept Designs, at a date yet to be determined. Keep an eye on this page for updates.

  • Have Your Say

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    You are invited to help shape the future of the Leura Cascades precinct (including Carrington Park & Solitary Restaurant area).

    Please review the information available in the Document Library and consider what you think about the precinct as it CURRENTLY is and the possibilities for how it could be in the FUTURE.

    The designs reflect the key issues, insights and opportunities relating to the site and recommendations from other Council studies and plans e.g., Destination Management Plan and Nature-based Recreation Strategy, and previous community feedback on the Blue Mountains Southern Escarpment. They provide a starting point for conversation with the community.

    It is important to note that Council is not looking to change the role of the Cascades or Carrington Park as a public spaces and access point to walking tracks. The purpose of the proposed upgrade is outlined in the Introduction section at the top of this webpage.

    Please provide your feedback here.

    The closing date for feedback has ben extended until Sunday 29 January 2023.

  • Community Information Session (Predesign phase)

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    Update: Thank you to everyone that attended the Community Information Session on Saturday 26 November. The information presented at the Community Information Session is available in the Document Library to - see right hand side of this page.

    To find out more about the Leura Cascades precinct plan and have your say, come to the Community Information Session:

    Date: Saturday, 26 November 2022

    Venue: Solitary Restaurant, 90 Cliff Drive, Katoomba

    Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm

    2:00pm: A one-hour meeting-style session with a presentation by Council staff.

    3:00pm: A drop-in style session with one-on-one conversations with Council staff.

    Both sessions offer the same information and the opportunity to ask questions, engage in discussion and provide your feedback.

    The chance to have your say won’t end there. The material presented at the Community Information Session will be published on this page on Monday 28 November and open for community comment for three weeks until Sunday 18 December 2022.

Page last updated: 23 Dec 2024, 02:05 PM