Update - May 22: Work commences
Work has recommenced at South Lawson Park, following additional community consultation.
The project was paused earlier this year to seek further feedback from the community. Consultation showed that a majority of residents support the vision for the park and the current plans, and are eager for the project to be completed.
Meanwhile, stakeholders could not agree on the type of fence to be used for the dog off leash area. Respondents were split down the middle, over the two fencing options provided.
Council has decided to install the PVC chain wire fence at the site as it is viewed as more likely to be visible to wildlife in the area, with less chance of animals inadvertently running into the fence. Many from the local dog walking community also indicated a preference for this type of fencing.
The project will deliver:
- More than 2km of shared pathway – that will provide greater accessibility and amenity to the park for a wider range of people
- A fenced dog off leash area
- A nature exploration play area
- Grass terrace seating
- Water refill stations and seating throughout the park, and
- Improved protection of the creek line, swamp and wet areas by extensive bush regeneration.
Following the consultation results, Council will:
- Relocate the fence at the southern end of the park, around the bunker near the ‘Esky’ tree.
- Investigate adding an extra water station at the southern end of the park. As this would require more ground disturbance than originally proposed, the idea needs to be tested with Traditional Owners and Council’s environmental scientist. The community will be notified once this occurs and a decision has been made.
- Relocate telegraph pole seating near shade, and
- Reconfigure the proposed agility mounds so that they replicate the high point of the tee, which needs to be bisected. .
An extension for the project is currently being sought from the grant body, to deliver the project by June 2023 given delays due to additional consultation and unprecedented rainfall.
This summer, a number of intense storms and persistent wet weather presented significant challenges to the sediment control measures at South Lawson Park.
Council continues to closely monitor and assess current robust sediment controls, to ensure they are maintained. Controls were under pressure, but effective, during the natural disaster in early March.
The Environment Protection Authority earlier investigated the site, after complaints from the community, but were satisfied with Council’s sediment and erosion controls.
Download the South Lawson Park Staging Plan