Update - 10 February 2022
Sediment control works
Over recent days, Council has continued to work closely with a range of experts to ensure any issues around the preparatory earthworks at South Lawson Park are identified and addressed.
Our contractor has been busy installing extra lengths of jute mesh to restrict any further erosion around the areas prepared for the shared accessible path. All impacted areas, except where the path will be laid (a strip approximately 5 meters wide) is now covered with strips of jute mesh. This mesh has also been applied to other excavated areas along the creek perimeter and the exposed areas have been grass seeded as well.
These measures have proven very effective and there is no longer any sediment escaping the immediate area. But additional measures will be installed over the next few days to further improve the sediment management within the site, in case we receive further severe weather and rain in the coming weeks.
The mesh is designed to be left in place once laid, as it naturally and safely decomposes and leaves no trace.
Remediation of historic swampland area
During site analysis with bush regeneration and ecological professionals, it has become apparent that the muddy conditions in some parts of the site are due to a groundwater flow which has been exposed by the earthworks to level for the shared accessible path. This was not previously observable, as the design for the site was developed in 2019, at the end of an extended period of drought. The shallow groundwater conditions were not able to be predicted at that time when the ground was dry and not impacted by any visible shallow groundwater.
To effectively remediate this area, Council will work with specialist contractors who are highly experienced in operating within sensitive environmental areas.
The soft condition of the ground in these areas also requires some changes to the alignment of the shared accessible path. Council will be working through these changes in the coming days.
Supporting documentation – Review of Environmental Factors
Please see the following additional documentation, relating to the assessment of this site as part of the Review of Environmental Factors (and Part 5 Assessment):
Review of Environmental Factors
Flora and Fauna Assessment
Arborist Report
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment Report
Lawson Masterplan Drawings
Part 5 Assessment
Upcoming community consultation
Council officers are currently planning to run four community consultation sessions on site asap, regarding this project. The dates for these events will be publicised next week, once confirmed.
Council, like other businesses, is currently impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and Staff having to isolate, due to contracting COVID (or having family members who have contracted COVID).
We thank you for your patience while we finalise the dates and times for these consultation sessions.
There will be opportunities for the broad and local community to make submissions about this project at this time, either on-site or online.