Draft Plan of Management and Masterplan
The Draft Plan of Management and Amended Masterplan for the South Lawson Park (formerly Lawson Crown Lands) is now on public exhibition seeking community input until Sunday 21 February 2021.
- A Plan of Management is a legal document to guide how the park will be managed. It establishes directions for planning, permissible uses, management and maintenance of the land. These plans are endorsed by Crown Lands and Council.
- A Masterplan is a more detailed plan that guides future design to improve function and access, facilitate social activity and amenity for residents and visitors while recognising, respecting and enhancing the existing character. Masterplans are endorsed by Council.
You can look at the two plans and provide feedback on what has been written, as well as suggest additional information to be considered. You may have seen a previous version of the Masterplan, so we encourage you to look over this updated version and let us know if the amendments meet your needs.