Heritage Review 2016-2017: Consultation on land affected by Gundungurra ILUA
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Consultation has concluded
Council is undertaking a review of a number of properties listed as heritage items in the Blue Mountains Local Environmental Plan. Stage 1 preliminary consultation has been substantially completed.
However, some of the properties affected by the review are identified within Schedule G of the Gundungurra Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA). Additionally, there are some crown lands considered in the heritage review which are within the ILUA area. These properties were until now deferred from exhibition, pending the outcome of consultation with the Gundungurra ILUA Consultative Committee in relation to these properties.
The consultation with the Gundungurra ILUA Consultative Committee has now occurred, and the information about these properties is now released for general comment.
The information provided is in the form of new, modified and deleted listings, supported by mapping in some cases, and inventory sheets. Generally the listings relate to the European history of these places and do not represent Aboriginal cultural heritage or the perspective of the traditional owners of the land.
Copies of the information is available here, in the document library on the right side of this page.
The information is organised as follows:
Table of Contents: This lists the each of the properties within the ILUA area which have been considered in the review.
The table is organised into Schedule G lands and Crown lands.
Proposed New Heritage Items: Documents for each proposed new heritage item are organised by heritage ID number. Heritage inventory sheets and heritage maps are provided for each item.
Existing Heritage Items proposed to be modified: Documents for each heritage item proposed to be changed are organised by heritage ID number.
Existing Heritage Items proposed to be deleted: Documents for each heritage item proposed to be deleted are organised by heritage ID number. The heritage inventory sheet for each item is provided, and the section of the sheet documenting the reason for deletion is highlighted in yellow.
Submissions or Request for a meeting or more information:
Contact can be made with Sara Reilly on 4780 5533 for any enquiries.
Submissions can be made via email heritagereview2016@bmcc.nsw.gov.au;
or post to Kim Barrett, Heritage Review, Blue Mountains City Council, Locked Bag 1005, Katoomba NSW 2780
Council is undertaking a review of a number of properties listed as heritage items in the Blue Mountains Local Environmental Plan. Stage 1 preliminary consultation has been substantially completed.
However, some of the properties affected by the review are identified within Schedule G of the Gundungurra Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA). Additionally, there are some crown lands considered in the heritage review which are within the ILUA area. These properties were until now deferred from exhibition, pending the outcome of consultation with the Gundungurra ILUA Consultative Committee in relation to these properties.
The consultation with the Gundungurra ILUA Consultative Committee has now occurred, and the information about these properties is now released for general comment.
The information provided is in the form of new, modified and deleted listings, supported by mapping in some cases, and inventory sheets. Generally the listings relate to the European history of these places and do not represent Aboriginal cultural heritage or the perspective of the traditional owners of the land.
Copies of the information is available here, in the document library on the right side of this page.
The information is organised as follows:
Table of Contents: This lists the each of the properties within the ILUA area which have been considered in the review.
The table is organised into Schedule G lands and Crown lands.
Proposed New Heritage Items: Documents for each proposed new heritage item are organised by heritage ID number. Heritage inventory sheets and heritage maps are provided for each item.
Existing Heritage Items proposed to be modified: Documents for each heritage item proposed to be changed are organised by heritage ID number.
Existing Heritage Items proposed to be deleted: Documents for each heritage item proposed to be deleted are organised by heritage ID number. The heritage inventory sheet for each item is provided, and the section of the sheet documenting the reason for deletion is highlighted in yellow.
Submissions or Request for a meeting or more information:
Contact can be made with Sara Reilly on 4780 5533 for any enquiries.
Submissions can be made via email heritagereview2016@bmcc.nsw.gov.au;
or post to Kim Barrett, Heritage Review, Blue Mountains City Council, Locked Bag 1005, Katoomba NSW 2780