Public Hearing - land category change
Under Section 40A of the Local Government Act, a proposed change to the categorisation of Council Community Land requires a public hearing. The Gully Aboriginal Place Draft Plan of Management, proposes a change to an existing land category (as defined under Section 36 of the LG Act 1993) over a section of Council Community Land within the Aboriginal Place boundary. This proposed change is the removal of the ‘Sports Ground’ category over the former race track to be replaced with the ‘Natural Area’ category (including Bushland, Wetland and Watercourse). This change is proposed out of respect to the deep cultural values of The Gully and its current site use. Also proposed are some minor boundary changes to the ‘General Community Use’ category and ‘Natural Area’ boundary changes to more accurately reflect updates to Council vegetation mapping.
The proposed changes to land categories on Council Community land will be addressed in a separate public hearing following the public exhibition period and prior to adoption of the Plan of Management.
This Public hearing is planned to occur after Public Exhibition which runs from May to July, 2021. The Council will notify the Public Hearing date and location once determined.
Consultation has concluded