Public Exhibition and submission process
Public exhibition of the draft Plan of Management (PoM) is required under Sections 38 and 40 of the Local Government Act 1993 (LG Act), which requires not less than 28 days for public exhibition of the draft plan and not less than 42 days for submission on the draft plan. The Council has determined to place the draft Plan of Management on public exhibition, and to provide a period of 60 days, during which submissions can be made to the Council from May to July 2021.
The Gully Aboriginal Place includes Crown Land which too is covered by the draft PoM. The PoM has also been prepared in accordance with Division 3.6 of the Crown Lands Management Act 2016 (CLM Act 2016). The public exhibition, provision for comment and adoption of a plan of management under the CLM Act 2016 is in accordance with the LG Act 1993.
Being an Aboriginal Place listed under the National Parks Act 1974, draft PoM for The Gully, has also been prepared following the NSW Government’s Guideline for Developing Management Plans for declared Aboriginal Places 2012.
Consultation has concluded