Active Transport Links - Great Blue Mountains Trail
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The Great Blue Mountains Trail is a big idea, to develop a regional trail from east to west across the Blue Mountains ridgeline, accessible from all towns, villages and train stations along the way.
Council has secured funds to investigate the design and construction of four sections of the trail within the upper Blue Mountains, between Kiah Lookout and Narrow Neck Road.
Kiah Lookout to Echo Point
Echo Point to Scenic World
Glenraphael Drive to Acacia Street
Acacia Street to Narrow Neck Road
These links travel along the historic Cliff Drive at Katoomba and the boundary with Blue Mountains National Park. Their location within the Southern Scenic Escarpment is part of the busy tourist precinct and it is envisaged that this section of the trail will be heavily used by both residents and visitors.
While Council intends to deliver all four links in full, construction is contingent upon design factors, feasibility assessments, community input and site constraints.
Council is also actively pursuing grant funding to facilitate the development of concept and detailed designs for a walking path and cycling link that will connect Scenic World to Glenraphael Drive. If the application is successful, Council will be able to resolve the 'missing link' between these two locations, which has not been allocated funding for design and construction under this current program.
This project is funded by the NSW Government’s Western Sydney Infrastructure Grants program.
The Great Blue Mountains Trail is a big idea, to develop a regional trail from east to west across the Blue Mountains ridgeline, accessible from all towns, villages and train stations along the way.
Council has secured funds to investigate the design and construction of four sections of the trail within the upper Blue Mountains, between Kiah Lookout and Narrow Neck Road.
Kiah Lookout to Echo Point
Echo Point to Scenic World
Glenraphael Drive to Acacia Street
Acacia Street to Narrow Neck Road
These links travel along the historic Cliff Drive at Katoomba and the boundary with Blue Mountains National Park. Their location within the Southern Scenic Escarpment is part of the busy tourist precinct and it is envisaged that this section of the trail will be heavily used by both residents and visitors.
While Council intends to deliver all four links in full, construction is contingent upon design factors, feasibility assessments, community input and site constraints.
Council is also actively pursuing grant funding to facilitate the development of concept and detailed designs for a walking path and cycling link that will connect Scenic World to Glenraphael Drive. If the application is successful, Council will be able to resolve the 'missing link' between these two locations, which has not been allocated funding for design and construction under this current program.