How does the Concept Design respond to community feedback?
The Project Team has carefully considered the feedback from community and stakeholders provided at the pre-design stage of the project - see news item below. The Concept Designs reflect community comments, concerns, and ideas, where possible and practical. Our response to community feedback is summarised below:
Gordon Falls Precinct Plan
1. Southern Car Park or Car Park 2 – a medium strip has been provided to separate reversing cars from the intersection of Olympian Parade and Lone Pine Ave.
2. Siting of toilet facilities – The existing amenities do not meet current accessibility or Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) standards. Two potential locations have been shown, in both cases the amenities allow good lines of site from the park, both for wayfinding and passive surveillance purposes, an aspect which is current best practice. In both locations there will be filtered views towards the building from most vantage points in the street. The amenities will be accessible in whichever location.
Option 1 located near the northern car park has the advantage of being closer to the existing sewer, it presents a narrow elevation to Lone Pine Avenue.
Option 2 is located far enough from the car park for parents to allow young children to go to the toilet without a hand being held. This option is more centrally located within the park.
The design of proposed amenities will be sympathetic to the built character of the surrounding neighbourhood in roof form, materials and colours.
3. Location of the existing play area and retention of existing play equipment is retained and enhanced with nature play opportunities.
4. The existing mock rock structures are retained but would be modified to allow passive surveillance from the surrounding areas. At present these shelters present spaces where antisocial behavior may occur with those in proximity unaware.
5. The bus stop has been located so that buses coming from a northerly direction will round the corner and be able to stop at the correct place. A new bus shelter provides protection from wind and rain for those waiting for buses and other pickups.
6. Stormwater will be addressed in three separate locations so that velocity and nutrient loads are reduced and there is some measure of contaminant reduction prior to discharge into the natural systems.
7. Have kept the northern area substantially the same as it is currently except for revegetation of an eroded section of the park and two paths, one which enables access to the Prince Henry Cliff Walk and one which caters for greater numbers of walkers arriving on the Grand Cliff Top Walk from Wentworth Falls.
8. A path and revegetation of the eastern portion of the existing asphalt car park not only reduces hardstand but allows the southern and northern sections of the reserve to have a pedestrian link.
9. There was strong feedback that the southern section of the reserve with its open space should largely remain grassed open space for Tai Chi or informal games.
10. Clear signage will provide wayfinding near track entrances directing to walks and Gordon Falls Lookout. Shelter signs will provide maps at both car parks
11. Coach parking would be provided on Olympian Parade to the west of the relocated bus stop.
12. Overflow parking will be provided at Lone Pine Reserve with walking links back to Gordon Falls Reserve clearly signposted.
13. Have generally tried to ensure that only essential features are added to these areas as sensitively as possible retaining furniture and infrastructure that is still in good condition.
14. The current orientation of the food van has been switched around so that the van opening faces a pedestrian area.
15. The existing footpath network runs along the northern side of Olympian Parade. A new ramp allows for a crossing point to the other side of the road to enter Gordon Falls Reserve.
16. The initial concept showing stone arches as markers for the end of day one and beginning of day two of the Grand Cliff Top Walk have been replaced by a single piece of high-quality interpretive sculpture that will perform the same function in a more sympathetic way
17. The track to the war memorial plantings is beyond the scope of this Precinct Plan
Prince Henry Cliff Walk
1. The proposed future boardwalk will be linked with sections of concrete path. It was noted that concrete used in construction alkalises stormwater which may have the effect on plant ecosystems downslope. Care will be taken to specify the most suitable type of concrete.
2. The access tracks to Olympian & Elysian Rock lookouts will be upgraded.
3. Track work between Olympian & Tarpian Rock is not part of the scope of this Precinct Plan however tracks are to be upgraded in 2023 including a new bridge traversing the landslide on the track that has caused the closure in that direction.
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