$5.2M upgrades to Blue Mountains district parks
All four district parks in the Blue Mountains will receive upgrades valued at more than $5.2 million, thanks to funding received through the Western Parkland City Liveability Program.
Glenbrook Park will receive a new inclusive, accessible, interactive extension to the play area catering for seven to 12 year olds, valued at $1.07 million. An adventure youth space including tandem flying fox and parkour play element, valued at $1.52 million, will be built at Buttenshaw Park, Springwood. Further upgrades will take place at Wentworth Falls Lake Park valued at $1.75 million, including an outdoor educational pavilion and accessible viewing platform. Meanwhile, a new toilet block connected with new accessible pedestrian pathways, valued at $928,000, will be built at Blackheath Soldiers Memorial Park.
Mayor, Cr Mark Greenhill, said the injection of funds into district parks throughout the City will improve public spaces for residents and visitors.
“These projects, which are concepts at this stage and are about to go through a detailed design process, will take our district parks to another level. This means we will have more accessible and inclusive public park spaces, which have better quality design and amenities, throughout the Blue Mountains.”
Blue Mountains City Council accepted a tender for quantity surveying services for the projects – at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 28 May 2019.
The projects have been funded under the Western Parkland City Liveability Program, which is part of the Western Sydney City Deal (WSCD). The WSCD is a 20 year-agreement between Australian and NSW governments, and the eight local Councils of the Western Parkland City.
Council will be seeking feedback from the Blue Mountains community on detailed design concepts for each of the projects, progressively. It is expected this consultation will begin for each of the projects before the end of 2019.
Glenbrook Park Stage 2 playground – creation of a new inclusive, accessible, interactive play area catering for seven to 12 year olds. This will complement, and provide an exciting extension, to the recently completed junior playground that is well utilised by the community. It will also complete a recreational precinct that caters to all ages.
Buttenshaw Park, Springwood – the unique natural amphitheatre of Buttenshaw Park has led to a topography-led design concept for a youth-focussed adventure playground. The location of the playground, next to Springwood Aquatic and Fitness Centre, will anchor it amongst related uses, creating a recreational precinct benefitting this important district park.
Wentworth Falls Lake Park – the development of an outdoor educational pavilion and shaded landscaped terraces will improve facilities for school groups and community groups. Meanwhile, a new pedestrian bridge, lookouts and connected pathways will improve access and resting places along the northern edge of the lake. They will also form part of an educational journey around the district park.
For more information about the 10 community infrastructure projects underway in the Blue Mountains, as part of the Western Parkland City Liveability Program, go to bmcc.nsw.gov.au.