The Blue Mountains Fauna Project

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Scroll to the bottom of the page to enter your fauna observation(s) on the map.

The Blue Mountains Fauna Project is an initiative of the Blue Mountains Bushcare Network, supported by Blue Mountains City Council’s Bushcare program and Greater Sydney Local Land Services through funding from the Australian Government’s National landcare program.

The Project seeks to collate all existing records of fauna in the Blue Mountains and supplement these records with input from the community. The project will be actively gathering community records up until March 2019 before finalizing and mapping the fauna database. Observations held in the community have the ability to fill in many gaps about our understanding of what species live where in local reserves and suburbs.

The project will assist with managing fauna in our reserves and also help us track of changes in species abundance and distribution over time.

In addition, Bushcare is running a series of seven community citizen science faunal surveys across the Blue Mountains to assist in gathering new fauna records. BOOKINGS -

When the project is finalised the results will be available via the Blue Mountains City Council website.

You can help the project by sharing your fauna observations here or by:

  • Writing to us at PO Box 397 Katoomba 2780
  • emailing us at: or
  • Facebook messenger: @BMFaunaProject
  • On our Facebook page
  • phone in an observation: 0422 857 086

Example forms can be downloaded from the file library in the menu (right) that show the sort of information and detail we are after.

You can use these or create something similar for submission.

Project Partners

Scroll to the bottom of the page to enter your fauna observation(s) on the map.

The Blue Mountains Fauna Project is an initiative of the Blue Mountains Bushcare Network, supported by Blue Mountains City Council’s Bushcare program and Greater Sydney Local Land Services through funding from the Australian Government’s National landcare program.

The Project seeks to collate all existing records of fauna in the Blue Mountains and supplement these records with input from the community. The project will be actively gathering community records up until March 2019 before finalizing and mapping the fauna database. Observations held in the community have the ability to fill in many gaps about our understanding of what species live where in local reserves and suburbs.

The project will assist with managing fauna in our reserves and also help us track of changes in species abundance and distribution over time.

In addition, Bushcare is running a series of seven community citizen science faunal surveys across the Blue Mountains to assist in gathering new fauna records. BOOKINGS -

When the project is finalised the results will be available via the Blue Mountains City Council website.

You can help the project by sharing your fauna observations here or by:

  • Writing to us at PO Box 397 Katoomba 2780
  • emailing us at: or
  • Facebook messenger: @BMFaunaProject
  • On our Facebook page
  • phone in an observation: 0422 857 086

Example forms can be downloaded from the file library in the menu (right) that show the sort of information and detail we are after.

You can use these or create something similar for submission.

Project Partners

Page last updated: 18 Mar 2023, 03:11 AM