Community Facility Strategic Plan Survey 2

It is important for Council to understand the needs and perspective of the community, in order to plan for the future provision and management of Council community facilities. 

Council-run community facilities include spaces such as community halls, neighbourhood centres and community centres that are available for licence, hire or use by community groups. We want to find how members of the community feel about existing facilities and what additional facilities are needed.

This survey (Survey 2) is designed for people who:

  • Have never used a Council-run community facility or space or
  • Have not used a Council-run community facility or space within the past two years and
  • Are potentially interested in using a Council-run community facility or space in the future

If you are a current user of a Council-run community space, or have used one within the last two years, please use Survey 1.

The surveys close on Friday, 9 June 2023.

Your time, insights and suggestions are greatly appreciated.