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Echcohoices and Compost Revolution Evaluation

EcoChoices, Compost Revolution– Did they encourage you to compost or worm farm? 

Please help us to assess the effectiveness of these campaigns in removing food and garden waste from your garbage bin. Complete the following survey by Friday 6 March and you could WIN one of 3 WISH Gift vouchers worth $100. (Wish Gift Cards can be used at Woolworths, BIG W, Dick Smith Electronics, BWS, or Dan Murphy’s, among others)

Eco Choices and Compost Revolution Evaluation

Council is eager to assess the effectiveness of these programs in removing food and garden waste from the garbage bin and the retention and use of knowledge over time. The results of this survey will influence Council’s decision to continue either or both of these programs or make adjustments to improve effectiveness and value for money.

In order to be eligible for the incentive prize (one of three $100 WISH Gift Cards) please provide your contact details:

Council Offices


2-6 Civic Place

Katoomba NSW 2780

Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.00pm


104 Macquarie Rd

Springwood NSW 2777

Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm


Lower Mountains (02) 4723 5000

Upper Mountains (02) 4780 5000

International call 0011 61 2 4780 5000


ABN 52 699 520 223