About the Draft Crime Prevention Plan
The key focus of the draft CPP can be summarised as follows:
- The draft CPP focuses on Malicious Damage (including vandalism and graffiti) which is the Local Government Area’s major crime priority;
- Given graffiti is a major component of our malicious damage, Council’s 2010 Graffiti Management Plan (GMP) actions have been transferred into the draft CPP. Once the CPP is adopted the GMP will be superseded;
- The actions within the draft CPP will not create additional workloads for Council staff given they have already been adopted in the GMP; and
- The draft CPP has been developed in close consultation with Blue Mountains Local Area Command and is supported by statistical evidence and reflects best practice.
There are two key project areas, being the Malicious Damage Reduction Initiative and the Graffiti Reduction Initiative, with a total of 18 actions in the draft CPP. These actions are largely to be implemented cooperatively between Council, NSW Police and the Blue Mountains Community.
Consultation has concluded