Background Information

In 2012, Blue Mountains City Council commenced preparation of a city wide Local Environmental Plan which came into effect in 2015. Blue Mountains Local Environmental Plan 2015 (LEP 2015) is based on the standard instrument format prescribed by the Department of Planning and Environment. At the end of the process of preparing LEP 2015, some parcels of land were deferred from that process including 56-68 Great Western Highway Woodford to allow for further review and consideration of changing the zoning from residential to neighbourhood centre (zone B1 – Neighbourhood Centre in LEP 2015).
A Planning Proposal for land deferred from LEP 2015 was prepared and this was publicly exhibited in July-August 2016. During the exhibition of Amendment 1 to Blue Mountains Local Environmental Plan 2015 (known as Amendment 1 to LEP 2015), the Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) made a submission requesting that should the Council proceed with the proposed zone for the land at 56-68 Great Western Highway Woodford, vehicular access to the sites be via the local road network only. Precinct Provisions for this land were developed to ensure any future development would be of a scale appropriate to the location.
The submission from the RMS also included a request, that should the rezoning to B1 – Neighbourhood Centre for the land at 56-68 Great Western Highway Woodford proceed, the Council prepare site specific controls for this land. Council has prepared draft site specific controls and proposes these will be inserted into Part G of DCP 2015. The proposed controls prescribe guidelines for future development on this land.
Consultation has concluded