Welcome to the Compost Hub

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Thank you for making a difference in reducing food waste to landfill!

Please read the instructions to make sure you understand the process and the steps to register.

1. Decide if you are a compost champion or a compost contributor, then read the relevant champion or contributor section below.

2. Complete the Compost Hub Registration Form below.

3. Place your pin on the map.

Need help?

A champion receives food scraps from local contributors in the neighbourhood. Please read all the steps before filling out the registration form.

1. Fill out the registration form

See the bottom of this page for the 'Compost Hub registration form'.

2. Place your pin on the map

Go to the map at the bottom of this page and place your pin at your nearest crossroad. Make sure to include your preferred contact details including an email or phone number so you can be contacted.

3. Connect with your neighbours - use the flyers in the Document Library

You will need at least four (4) compost contributors to start your compost hub and receive a compost bin and kitchen caddies. Please note, four (4) compost contributors means four (4) people, not four (4) households, but not people from your own household.

4. Receive your compost bin and kitchen caddies

Once you have four (4) compost contributors, email the waste officer with the names and addresses of your contributors (ensure you and your contributors have completed a compost hub registration form before calling Council). You will be eligible to receive your free kitchen caddies (for your contributors) and compost bin (for Champions). Council provides this once and a maximum of four (4) kitchen caddies will be issued per compost champion. Email the Waste & Resources Project Officer at council@bmcc.nsw.gov.au

Then the contributors drop off their food scraps to the champion. If you would like to save food scraps from landfill but don’t want to compost, follow the steps below and become a contributor.

5. Update your pin on the map if you need more contributors or if you are full.

A contributor drops off their food scraps to a champion. If you would like to save food scraps from landfill but don’t want to compost, follow the steps below and become a contributor.

1. Find a champion near you

Look for a compost champion near you by searching the map. Click on a champion and note their details to make contact to work out how and where to drop off your scraps.

2. Place your pin on the map

Create your contributor pin on the map at your nearest crossroad. Include your preferred contact details such as an email or phone number so champions can also contact you. Make sure to write how many people are in your household.

3. Fill out the registration form

Once you have found a champion, fill out the registration form at the bottom of this page.

Your champion will notify Council when they have signed up a minimum of four (4) contributors. Council will organise the delivery of kitchen caddies to your champion for you to collect your food scraps in.

In the meantime, use an ice-cream container or similar.

Thank you for making a difference in reducing food waste to landfill!

Please read the instructions to make sure you understand the process and the steps to register.

1. Decide if you are a compost champion or a compost contributor, then read the relevant champion or contributor section below.

2. Complete the Compost Hub Registration Form below.

3. Place your pin on the map.

Need help?

A champion receives food scraps from local contributors in the neighbourhood. Please read all the steps before filling out the registration form.

1. Fill out the registration form

See the bottom of this page for the 'Compost Hub registration form'.

2. Place your pin on the map

Go to the map at the bottom of this page and place your pin at your nearest crossroad. Make sure to include your preferred contact details including an email or phone number so you can be contacted.

3. Connect with your neighbours - use the flyers in the Document Library

You will need at least four (4) compost contributors to start your compost hub and receive a compost bin and kitchen caddies. Please note, four (4) compost contributors means four (4) people, not four (4) households, but not people from your own household.

4. Receive your compost bin and kitchen caddies

Once you have four (4) compost contributors, email the waste officer with the names and addresses of your contributors (ensure you and your contributors have completed a compost hub registration form before calling Council). You will be eligible to receive your free kitchen caddies (for your contributors) and compost bin (for Champions). Council provides this once and a maximum of four (4) kitchen caddies will be issued per compost champion. Email the Waste & Resources Project Officer at council@bmcc.nsw.gov.au

Then the contributors drop off their food scraps to the champion. If you would like to save food scraps from landfill but don’t want to compost, follow the steps below and become a contributor.

5. Update your pin on the map if you need more contributors or if you are full.

A contributor drops off their food scraps to a champion. If you would like to save food scraps from landfill but don’t want to compost, follow the steps below and become a contributor.

1. Find a champion near you

Look for a compost champion near you by searching the map. Click on a champion and note their details to make contact to work out how and where to drop off your scraps.

2. Place your pin on the map

Create your contributor pin on the map at your nearest crossroad. Include your preferred contact details such as an email or phone number so champions can also contact you. Make sure to write how many people are in your household.

3. Fill out the registration form

Once you have found a champion, fill out the registration form at the bottom of this page.

Your champion will notify Council when they have signed up a minimum of four (4) contributors. Council will organise the delivery of kitchen caddies to your champion for you to collect your food scraps in.

In the meantime, use an ice-cream container or similar.

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Compost Hub Map

over 6 years

It's time to put you on the map! Place your pin so people can find you. Your pin needs to include your contact information so people can connect with you!

Those who do not add their contact details will not be able to participate in the program. 

Champions – please remember to include your preferred contact details such as e-mail or phone number so neighbours can contact you.

Contributors – if there is currently no Champion point near you please include your preferred contact details such as e-mail or phone number so neighbours can contact you.

Please note you will be required to sign in with a Blue Mountains Have Your Say login to be able to use the mapping tool. You will be prompted to either log in or create an account when placing a pin.

Need help?

Not sure how your pin should look? Follow our how to edit your pin guide.
Need to edit your pin? Follow our how to format your pin guide

Page last updated: 04 Mar 2025, 04:39 PM