Staff Consultation: Complaint Handling and UCC Policy

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Consultation has concluded

We would like to invite your comments on the following documents before they progress towards adoption:

  1. Complaints Handling Policy and
  2. Unreasonable Complainant Conduct (UCC) Policy

The draft policies are available in the Document Library on the right hand side of this page. Please use the Submission Form below to provide your response, or email your questions or comments directly to

Deadline for comments: Wednesday 5 February, 2020

The Complaint Handling and UCC Policies will be progressed concurrently.

The Complaints Handling Policy is a new policy. It is for reference by staff, Councillors and to members of the public who wish to make a complaint. The draft is loosely based on the NSW Ombudsman’s model policy and has been localised to match Council’s particular circumstances and services.

The UCC policy has been in place for a number of years and will already be familiar to staff. There have been minor changes made to this draft. This is closely based on the Ombudsman’s model.

Target audience: All frontline staff and their managers/supervisors. The current submission process is for staff only, with Councillors and members of the public to be consulted later in the process.

Contact: Melanie Trezise, Governance and Civic Services

Thank you in advance for your participation in this feedback process.

We would like to invite your comments on the following documents before they progress towards adoption:

  1. Complaints Handling Policy and
  2. Unreasonable Complainant Conduct (UCC) Policy

The draft policies are available in the Document Library on the right hand side of this page. Please use the Submission Form below to provide your response, or email your questions or comments directly to

Deadline for comments: Wednesday 5 February, 2020

The Complaint Handling and UCC Policies will be progressed concurrently.

The Complaints Handling Policy is a new policy. It is for reference by staff, Councillors and to members of the public who wish to make a complaint. The draft is loosely based on the NSW Ombudsman’s model policy and has been localised to match Council’s particular circumstances and services.

The UCC policy has been in place for a number of years and will already be familiar to staff. There have been minor changes made to this draft. This is closely based on the Ombudsman’s model.

Target audience: All frontline staff and their managers/supervisors. The current submission process is for staff only, with Councillors and members of the public to be consulted later in the process.

Contact: Melanie Trezise, Governance and Civic Services

Thank you in advance for your participation in this feedback process.