Are there any community gardens in the Blue Mountains?
Yes! The community garden in North Katoomba (Victoria Street) was estblished in the early 1990's. The garden is on 5 acres of land and includes a fruit tree forest and an indigenous bush tucker trail.
There are other community gardens on private land in Hazelbrook and in Blackheath. Many Public Schools have veggie gardens.
Does Blue Mountains City Council’s manage community gardens?
The Council's role in developing community gardens is that of an enabler. Council does not take a lead in establishing community gardens and does not provide funding for groups to do so. The management of a community garden is a function of a community group.
Is a community garden the best way to achieve your community goals?
There are many considerations and requirements to establish a community garden. Perhaps the sharing and distribution of neighbourhood produce, eg fruit trees, or individual veggie gardens. Perhaps bush-care will achieve the desired community building.
Do we (community group) need a Development Application to establish a community garden?
The draft Policy and Guidelines apply to Council land only. Each proposal will be assessed on a case by case basis. Considerations for assessment include:
1. The appropriateness of preferred sites (compliance with LEP etc)
2. Required licence arrangements
3. Weed, waste, sediment and water issues
4. Accessibility
5. Health and Safety issues
A Development Application may be required.
Will the community garden get vandalised?
Community gardens are no more or less likely to be vandalised than other community facilities. The number of gardeners and frequency of gardeing activity increase the natural surveillance and mangement of the site.