Work on the Buttenshaw Park upgrade has started
Work on the Buttenshaw Park upgrade has started
19 September 2022
Work on the new play space upgrades to Buttenshaw Park, Springwood, has now commenced.
The design of the new youth-focussed space, shaped by community consultation, looks to maximise the challenging sloping topography of the park to deliver an exciting, high-energy space with adventure equipment, including:
• a double flying fox and group swing
• a unique, customised youth focused climbing and hang out structure, and
• a climbing/bouldering wall
During the upgrade works, part of the footpath connecting the park to the eastern side of the Aquatic and Fitness Centre is closed, as it is within the construction area and will be upgraded as part of this project. Access to the Aquatic and Fitness Centre from the park is still available along the western side of the building.
Directional signage is in place to assist park users to navigate around the work area.
All areas of the park outside of the construction area will remain open for use while the upgrade work is undertaken.
The current upgrade project is scheduled for completion by March 2023, weather permitting.