Providing spaces for youth of all ages
Buttenshaw Park has the potential to become a youth-focused play space with adventure activities because of its larger size and location. The park is located next to the Springwood Aquatic and Fitness Centre and some sports courts. The sloping hill also allows for more challenging play opportunities that are suited to older kids and youth.
Providing spaces for youth of all ages to feel welcome and engaged in our community is important.
We will also be focusing on providing varied play types and experiences, as well as inclusive play, which means we are able to provide more play options for kids with additional needs but that can still be used by other kids.
The whole upgrade, including design, construction and equipment, is expected to cost $1.5 million.
We are also starting work on developing a Plan of Management and Masterplan for the park. These plans will include the City Deal upgrades, as well as a broader plan for the park.