Outcome of 29 June Council meeting
On 29 June 2021, following the public exhibition of the draft Buttenshaw Park Plan of Management and Masterplan, Council decided to engage in further community consultation prior to adopting the Plan of Management or Masterplan.
It is anticipated that this additional consultation period will commence in mid-September 2021. The exact nature will be, in part, determined by the unfolding COVID-19 restrictions. For further updates on this project, please click on the subscribe button in the ‘Stay Informed’ box on the bottom right hand corner of this page, or check this page for further updates.
Unconfirmed minutes from the Council meeting on 29 June are available to view at: https://www.bmcc.nsw.gov.au/documents/2021-06-29-council-meeting-unconfirmed-minutes.
We thank you for your ongoing interest and input into this important community project.