Ordinary Council meeting on 29 June 2021
At the Ordinary Council meeting on 29 June 2021, it was resolved:
1. That the Council notes the findings and recommendations in the Blaxland Resource Recovery & Waste Management Facility Field Ambient Odour Study.
2. That the Council notes the findings of the Blaxland Resource Recovery & Waste Management Facility Compliance Noise Monitoring report.
3. That the Council notes the conclusions of the Blaxland Resource Recovery & Waste Management Facility targeted planning review.
4. That the Council notes the submission of the Odour Reduction Action Plan to the Environmental Protection Agency on 28 May 2021 as required by the Pollution Reduction Program License Condition.
5. That the Council notes that the required service changes will commence in July 2021, with at least 2 weeks’ notice to be provided to customers and contractors.
6. That the Council communicates the findings of the odour study and noise monitoring report and outlines the actions the Council is taking to mitigate the generation of odour and noise to stakeholders.
7. That the Council receives a further report on the outcomes of the License Variation requests to the Environmental Protection Agency, and
8. That the Council receives a report to the early part of the new term of the new Council that includes all options for future planning for the finite life of the
Blaxland landfill and that this report includes timelines, ways of mitigating costs to ratepayers, and the introduction of full organics.