20 December 2021
Below is an update on the progress of the plan and ongoing odour issues relating to the facility.
Council received the report from the external consultant, on the landfill gas system efficacy and landfill cover in late November 2021. This was the final advice required to complete the Odour Reduction Action Plan. There are a number of operational changes that are in the process of being implemented in response to this report. Specifically, the fill plan is being modified to reduce the size of the tip face area, increase compaction and increase the angle of work to increase water run-off and avoid water seeping into the landfill.
The final report, including the above advice was submitted to the EPA on 29 November 2021, as required by the pollution reduction clause in our Environmental Protection License. The EPA has advised that it will take up to 90 days for them to consider the information provided and to respond.
Council has already re-engaged The Odour Unit Pty. Ltd. (the consultant that undertook the initial study) to undertake a further odour assessment to assess the overall improvement and effectiveness of the actions undertaken over the past 12 months.
A Council report has been planned for March 2022 that will include the feedback received from the EPA and the outcomes of the odour assessment.
The current environmental conditions are placing the facility at higher risk of odour generation. The wet conditions are presenting challenges and you will note that the odour is being reported whilst the facility is closed. This indicates that the odour would not cease if the landfill ceased operating, it is a challenge that must be solved or masked.
Council is continuing to test for any fugitive gas emission using a 25m grid across the whole facility on a monthly basis and are addressing any weaknesses as they are identified.
Council are also progressing an investigation into the use of an odour fence. An odour fence would mask and further disperse odour at the facility boundary. While this has not been suggested by the consultants at this stage, the use of an odour fence at the Katoomba Resource Recovery and Waste Management Facility prior to the closure of the old landfill was reportedly effective in resolving previous challenges at Katoomba.
Please be assured Blue Mountains City Council remains committed to addressing the odour challenges, are responding to all advice and will continue to explore other options.
The Blaxland Waste Management Facility provides the community with convenient access to waste disposal, recycling and reuse, local employment, lower cost waste disposal, reduced truck movements across the Mountains and flexibility to provide tailored service levels to meet community needs.