What is the masterplanning process?

Blackheath Soldiers Memorial Park is one of the four district level parks for the City of Blue Mountains. It is one of two district parks servicing the upper mountains, the other being Wentworth Falls Lake Reserve.
The masterplanning process helps Council to prioritise projects that enhance the function, character and appearance of the park progressively as funding becomes available. In other words, the master plan will act like a 'blueprint' for the park and will help guide Council's design and spending priorities into the future.
This consultation is the first stage of the master plan process and is to simply gather ideas, opinions and suggestions. Once this stage of community consultation closes, designers will create an initial master plan proposal. There will be further consultation on this initial draft plan. Feedback will inform development of a final draft plan which will then be presented to the Council to be placed on public exhibition. The public exhibition stage allows another round of community engagement with the project, with members of the public able to make submissions. These submissions will then be considered by Council and the necessary amendments made before final adoption.
Council already has an adopted Plan of Management 2009 for the park, which will continue to guide how the values and permitted uses of the park area are maintained and managed.