Project Update - Blackheath Soldiers Memorial Park Master Plan
The first stage of community consultation for ideas, comments and suggestions for the Blackheath Soldiers Memorial Park Master Plan is now completed.
Thank you to those that attended a Special Topics workshop on the 6th of December, where we explored some of the issues relating to accessibility, heritage, succession planting, water management and park infrastructure.
Staff will begin to draft a master plan, utilising many of the ideas, comments and suggestions put forward. Once a draft is close to completion we will hold another consultation/workshop on the draft plan before it is presented to Council.
The draft master plan will then be completed and presented to Council to go to public exhibition by mid-2019. Another round of community consultation will then take place during the public exhibition period, where there will be further opportunity to make a submission on the draft document. We will notify you when the draft master plan is on public exhibition.