Have I already looked at the Masterplan?
With extensive community consultation over the last year, the Masterplan has been available on Have Your Say, in various ‘earlier’ versions for the community to provide feedback on. This has helped to shape the final ‘draft’ Masterplan that went to the April Council meeting this year.
We understand that it has caused some confusion as to which document to comment on with previous versions still online. There is now only one ‘draft’ Masterplan available to view on Have Your Say and we have extended the exhibition period to Sunday 5 July. You can look at it by clicking here or in the document library.
If you have looked at ‘earlier’ versions, you might notice some minor changes throughout the document, and in particular, pages 11, 36 and 37 are additional pages that you may not have seen before. However all submissions already received are still important and will be included so there is no need to provide a new submission unless you wish to add extra comments. After your input from this current consultation, the Masterplan will go back to Council to be considered for adoption.