Feasibility Report and preview of the preliminary draft Masterplan for Blackheath Soldiers Memorial Park
Thankyou for your continued interest in Blackheath Soldiers Memorial Park Masterplan. Before the Masterplan is presented to Councillors in early 2020, we are seeking input from you on three aspects:
· The alignment of the accessible paths,
· The location of new amenities, and
· Risk mitigation of the timber lined stormwater drain
Two documents are now available on https://yoursay.bmcc.nsw.gov.au/blackheath-memorial-park for you to review;
· The Preliminary Draft Masterplan – showing the draft masterplan minus areas where we are seeking further input to preferred approach for the proposed accessible paths, amenities and the timber lined drain,
· The Path and Amenities Feasibility Report - exploring options for the paths, amenities and the timber lined drain,
A feedback survey form is available on this page for you to let us know your thoughts on the various options and the Preliminary Draft Masterplan.
We are seeking further feedback from all those who have a strong interest in planning for Memorial Park. After your input has been received, the preferred options will be incorporated into the draft Masterplan with the aim to present to Councillors in March 2020 to adopt for exhibition. This exhibition period will seek additional community comments and suggestions.
Please read the documents and provide your feedback by Friday 14th February 2020. We appreciate being able to draw upon your knowledge of Memorial Park and look forward to hearing from you over the coming four weeks.
For further information please email council@bmcc.nsw.gov.au