Blackheath Soldiers Memorial Park Master Plan – Community Consultation Workshop to review Draft Master Plan
Confirmed Date; Thursday 4 April 2019 (6pm - 9pm)
Venue- Small Bates Hall, Blackheath Community Centre
Cnr Gardiners Crescent and Great Western Highway, Blackheath (entry from Blackheath Gardens side)
As promised, Council will be holding this additional workshop to work through ideas in the Draft Master Plan before they are presented to the Council ready for exhibition. Analysis drawings will be tabled and some early options for the master plan will presented for discussion. The best points from the options will be combined into one master plan for Councillors to consider for exhibition.
We will provide a light supper. Please let me know if you have any specific dietary requirements, if you have not done so already.
If you could please email to confirm your ability to attend this workshop as above, it would be much appreciated. If you have not responded previously, but would still like to attend the workshop on the 4th April, please do not hesitate to let me know. You are also welcome to forward this information to others that you think may also like to participate. RSVP – by Friday 29 March via or calling me on 4780 5636. We have a limit of 35 attendees due to size of venue.
Please note that if you are unable to attend, there will be further opportunity to comment via submission during the Public Exhibition phase for the Draft Master Plan.