How else can I make a submission of the Draft PoM for Batman Reserve

    You can choose to provide a written submission on the draft PoM as follows.

    • Post by marking the document - "Submission: Batman Reserve Draft Plan of Management – File F04377", and forwarding this to:General Manager, Blue Mountains City Council, Locked Bag 1005, KATOOMBA NSW 2780
    • Hand deliver your submission by marking the document - "Submission: Batman Reserve Draft Plan of Management – File F04377" to Springwood or Katoomba Council Offices
    • Email your submission by marking the document - "Submission: Batman Reserve Draft Plan of Management – File F04377":
    • Fax your submissionby marking the document - "Submission: Batman Reserve Draft Plan of Management – File F04377" to (02) 4780 5555

    Submissions must be received by Friday 8 June 2012

    Where can I view the Draft Plan of management?

    The draft Plan of Management is also available for viewing at Blaxland and Springwood Libraries; and Katoomba and Springwood Council offices.

    Where is Batman Reserve and how big is it?

    Batman Reserve is located in a quiet residential area approx 2.5km from the township of Springwood, and integrades into surrounding bushland. Covering an area of 4.23 hectares, it has two distinct parts: a level grassed area of 0.68 hectares developed as a local park and a bushland area of 3.62ha which forms part of the upper catchment of a tributary Magdala Creek.

    Batman Reserve serves as the only local park available to residents who access their homes off Macquarie Road via Burns Road. It borders Blue Mountains National Park along its western boundary as well as residential and rural private properties. It is in close proximity to, and has a synergy with, the track head to Martins Look out.

    What are some of Values noted for Batman Reserve so far?

    Recreation and Service Value. Batman Reserve contains the only open grassy space in the area. It is currently valued for its open layout and the play equipment which receives regular usage. It is also valued for the potential recreation opportunities that it offers to the neighbourhood.

    Neighbourhood amenity. Batman Reserve is valued for the amenity it provides to the neighbourhood. In particular it is valued by the immediate neighbours for its quiet nature.

    Emergency Services. Being in close proximity to the Blue Mountains National Park, along with the open layout of the parkland, means that Batman Reserve is also frequently used in emergency operations.

    Bushland. The bushland zone features a walking track linking to Magdala Creek, and provides a healthy natural ecosystem connecting to the greater Blue Mountains National Park.

    Aboriginal history. A high number of Aboriginal occupation sites have been recorded in the bushland surrounding Batman Reserve, including the Magdala Creek tributaries. There is a high likelihood of occupation artefacts being located within the bushland area of this Reserve.

    Non Aboriginal History. Batman Reserve is associated with Alexander Hudson who has a strong place in local oral history, and was a colourful character fondly remembered as "Soapie". He farmed much of the land Farm Road, including Batman Reserve.

    An opportunity is presented for this park to be renamed 'Alexander Hudson Reserve'.

    What Information is there on dog off-leash areas and dog ownership in Springwood?

    Please refer to this link for the information sheet, on dog ownership in Springwood, dog off-leash areas, and also for summarised results of the Survey that was undertaken in 2010 as part of an investigation into the potential for a dog off-leash area in Batman Reserve.  This is also attached in the library of this web page.