Background to this draft PoM
The need for a Plan of Management dor Batman Reserve was prompted by a resolution of the Council, at the meeting of 2 November 2010, to consider fencing a portion of the Reserve for a dog off-leash area.
A Plan of Management, however, can give direction to any matters relating to the management of this Reserve. A Plan of Management, once adopted by Council, determines what can and cannot happen, or be developed, in the Reserve.
Some of the key directions provided in this dPoM include,
- The bushland is categorised to remain as bushland
- The grassed area is categorised to be used as Parkland
- The proposal for a fenced dog off-leash area within part of the open space
- Development of the Recreation amenity and play setting
- Retention of the Emergency service usage
- Ongoing provision of Asset Protection Zones (APZ) behind the houses
- Acknowledgement of Cultural Heritage and History
- Resolution of some Land classification issues
This consultation has concluded.