Where are the footpaths going?


    • From the intersection of New and Adelaide Streets to the corner of Wilson Street.
    • From that intersection of Wilson and Adelaide Streets, to Cleveland Street.
    • From 16 Cleveland Street to 20 Cleveland Street. 
    • From the intersection of Cleveland and Wilson Streets to Ferris Lane.

    Wentworth Falls

    • From the corner of Hill Street and Sinclair Crescent, along the northern side of Sinclair Crescent to the vehicle entry of Wentworth Falls Lake.
    • From the dam wall at Wentworth Falls Lake through to the intersection of Blaxland and Sinclair. (The shared path will cross onto the southern side of Sinclair Crescent and Blaxland Road).

    Why are footpaths going in these areas?

    These streets have been identified as high priority for works because they help to connect the town/village centres to popular recreational precincts. Providing shared paths in key locations can assist people to safely enjoy being outside as well as benefiting the whole community.

    • Adelaide, Wilson and Cleveland Street in Lawson will connect the Lawson Village and school to South Lawson Park which is receiving a new 2km walkway and fenced dog off leash area.
    • Sinclair Crescent runs up to Wentworth Falls Lake, which is one of the four district parks in the Blue Mountains. This section of the proposed path is a major connection to Wentworth Falls village for pedestrians and cyclists. 

    These shared paths also connect to broader walking and cycling networks.

    These upgrades are in line with Council’s commitment to helping those living with a disability. They have been informed by the following documents:

    What will the shared paths look like?

    • The shared paths, generally, will follow a more natural meandering form that avoids trees and shrubs. They may narrow and widen depending on the space available within the streetscape. 
    • Most of the shared paths will be made of concrete. Some areas will be constructed from asphalt, for example, areas around establishing plants. The shared paths in Lawson will be concrete. Shared paths in Wentworth Falls will be a mixture of concrete and flexible pavement (asphalt). The section of the path from the dam wall to the intersection of Blaxland Road will be an extension of the existing concrete, and the path from Hill Street to the lake will be flexible pavement.

    How will the works affect me?

    Traffic and pedestrian management will be in place during construction to allow for an alternative footpath. 

    If you have an informal driveway (one that is not a hard surface), the footpath will be laid at the same level as the ground. Every effort will be made to ensure you can still access your property while the concrete/flexible is curing. Depending on the nature of your property access, this could include staging the works around your property at different times in consultation with you.

    If you have a hard surface driveway, the footpath will simply stop when it reaches your driveway and then recommence on the other side.  

    We will provide a detailed timeline to affected residents during construction. 

    What happens to the trees and shrubs that are on the verge?

    Where possible, the path will go around significant trees and shrubs so they don’t have to be removed, but they may need some pruning so people can safely pass by. If any plants need to be pruned or removed, we will chat to you before construction starts.

    We will also use flexible paving or asphalt where the roots are close to the surface to prevent damage.

    Will parking be affected once it’s constructed?

    It is not permissible to park over a path. Shared paths are designed to provide greater access and mobility to everyone in our community. Other options, once paths have been constructed, include on street parking or within your property.  

    To learn about how to park your vehicle safely please visit:


    When will work begin on the proposed Glenbrook shared path?

    Further design and consultation is needed to deliver a compliant shared footpath at Glenbrook.  This work will be prioritised in 2022-2023.

    Is this part of the Wentworth Falls Lake Park upgrade?

    The shared path upgrade is being funded through the Western Parkland City Liveability Program like some of the improvements at Wentworth Falls District Park.

    You can keep up to date with what’s happening at Wentworth Falls Lake by visiting the Have Your Say webpage and selecting the subscribe button on the right hand side https://yoursay.bmcc.nsw.gov.au/wentworthfallslake

    When will construction start?

    Construction is due to commence mid to late November 2021.

    When will the paths be completed?

    Construction is due to be completed by June 2022.

    What consultation has taken place with the community?

    Community consultation included door-to-door letterbox drops to affected residents, a total of six community drop in sessions, and an online information page on the Council’s website.

    Where can I find out more?

    For more information or to view the final designs, contact Project Officer, Nikki Barton nbarton@bmcc.com.au or 02 47805602.

    What is Council’s protocol on Maintenance of Footpaths?